A pen writing on a sheet of loose leaf paper

Writing Authority



I enjoyed this reading because I liked the study that was being presented. It talks about how two students, Janet and Roger, were given the task of taking eight scholarly articles and writing a paper discussing the current state of Paternalism. Their work ethics and responses were recorded. I found it fascinating how their approaches to writing the paper were very different. Janet gave information mostly on what Paternalism is and did not really discuss the current state of it, while Roger focused on doing that. I could relate to both of them because, in this case, I would like to define Paternalism and then go into detail about the current state of it, which is what the task was. I would use both strategies to complete the given task.

As the study went on, the examiners were able to determine their work ethics. Roger organized his thoughts by authors, while Janet organized her notes by topics. Roger’s way of mentioning the different authors resonates with me a bit more than Janet’s style because I like to cite and pull from articles I have read. It surprised me that Janet didn’t mention any of the authors from the articles given to her to read at all. Toward the end of the reading, it says that Roger’s approach to the assignment and his paper was more sophisticated than Janet’s. But it also states that the way Janet wrote her paper was way more complicated. To sum up, it is safe to say that when given a task, no one will attack it the same way. Everyone has their unique way and style when it comes to writing. I did like this study and think it would be cool to implement it in the classroom.


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