Why Feedback is good

I think that Feedback is a really important thing for growth as a writer or anything for that matter, this is what allows you to change and evolve from your mistakes and make better content as a result of that feedback. Jilian Granman mentions how Giving feedback to students is the most challenging part of a composition instructor’s job. Now I can understand this from a personal perspective as you have to find a happy middle ground with the advice you give. You can’t be too harsh but you also can’t go too easy on the students as if you do too much in either direction it’ll cause problems.Once again I think its important that middle ground m when it comes to giving feedback to people. Once again you don’t want to be too critical as this may discourage someone. An example of this could be someone reading an essay and then telling them that its the worst thing they’ve ever written feedback like that isn’t needed as all it does is I think push the writer back in some cases. A writer may feel like they cant write or that they arent good enough and stop writing in general because of someone harsh feedback. But if you dont tell the person straight up that theres something wrong with their writing their going to continue to make the same mistakes over and over again because they dont think that their doing anything wrong. So in conclusion think that feedbck is pretty important because it helps people improve


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