Using “I” in your Essay




Ashley Casimir

We were trained to not use “I”s in our essays since elementary school therefore for me to find out that using “I” in our essay is not a bad thing. I was told it was unprofessional and was always taught and write third person essay. It is when and how you use it the word “I” and that can be the difficult for us because we not used to using first person. first person is important because it makes your voice heard and everyone have different ideas, mindset, thought and etc. first person can tell you who’s speaking and who is providing the information. try limiting using the word “I”s a lot in your essay unless you are told to do so such as personal papers/narratives, opinions papers and etc. According to the text it stated, “Probably the best way to approach first person in a an academic context is this: use it to make yourself clear”. using a lot of “I” can make the essay sound childish and unprofessional. limiting the “I”s can make a perfect essay instead of forcing your paper to not use “I” at all. I would understand why most teachers mentions not to use “I”s a lot in my paper because they do not want you to focus on yourself more (which some student does) and provide more textual evidence and research support. to conclude everything, In reality, we often to use a lot of “I”s in our paper because its the easy way out but it can throw off the reader attention and be confusing. limit your “I”s and know when and how you use it.


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