writing methods





In Maddalena’s “I need you to say “I”, there are many valuable jewels dropped on us as readers. She educates us on the importance and logic behind using “I” in our writing pieces, properly citing sources, formats of writing, and more. Maddalena said “First person can help you express, very simply, who, “says” what”. This was a valid point that she brings up because when you are writing, you want to be as clear as possible for your audience. When you are introducing new characters/people in writing I also agree that it is key to specify perspective. You need to keep track of who is stating your quoted facts, opposing sides, and any additional “voices”. Maddalena also stated, “Your own, well-defined viewpoint might shed new light on a topic that the experts haven’t considered”. In simpler terms, she is saying that just because you are not an “expert” on a topic does not mean that you can not open new doors on a topic and educate yourself and your audience on the topic. Because you are looking at a situation with a different mindset and perspective, you could gain something different from separate audiences and spread your findings. Understanding the value behind perspectives and opinions will help you when it comes to writing different types of papers. A final tip that was given when writing in the first person is when it is the right time to use it. Overusing “I” or first person could be harmful to your paper, but using them in transformative ways is fine, for example, “I will”. 


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