A Time and Place

Social media

I did not have any social media until 2019, after I graduated high school. It was a personal decision made for the simple reason that one, I did not like to take pictures, and two everyone I spoke to and cared about were all in one place and I got to see them everyday. I wasn’t too concerned about the lives of everyone else in the world at the time, especially considering that I had enough problems in my my own. The first social media platform I joined was Instagram (@pedrikajean, shameless plug), I joined because I felt twitter was too much writing, and I had way too many family members I was avoiding on facebook.

One cannot live in todays society with out an online presence, it’s impossible. I am convinced that most of the background research on people today are done by looking up their media pages. Your profile says a lot a bout who you are, right down to the caption or lack thereof. What you post and don’t post all contribute to your character, and the character you portray. Not everyone online is as they show themselves to be and for a lot of people it’s like telling a story using media, you post rainbows and sunshine, or dark clouds and edgy looks, depending on how you want your audience to perceive you. It is a form of rhetoric. You can’t just say ‘hey I’m cool, love me’, you have to persuade the audience with posts.

won’t Catch Me Slipping

Have I ever used multiple medias at once, yes. Can I be considered a Heavy Media Multitasker (HMM), I plead not guilty. Maybe it’s because I am just average (ok, fine , slightly below average) with technology that I know I have difficulty focusing consuming more than two medias at a time. Depending on the media, even two can be too much. I cannot read and text, or online shop and be on the phone. At most I can switch my attention back and forth between a movie and an assignment, or play music in the background of everything.

If I get a phone call during a writing assignment that I am focused on, I let it ring or stop everything for the call depending on if it’s an emergency or not. If I receive a text, I check the text and determine how important it is, and set a reminder to reply later. I would if I could but, I cannot and it is because I have long realized that my attention span and my writing suffers almost immediately. I start writing while doing something else, look back after it’s finished and i could swear it’s a different language.


One response to “A Time and Place”

  1. […] So while you may be tempted to check your notifications while writing an essay, it’s important to remind yourself that doing so is likely going to impact your paper, according to science. Your future self may just thank you for refraining. […]

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