Technology Affects Productivity

I read the article, Rethinking My Cell Phone/Computer Policy by John Warner. He made a good argument for cell phone usage in the classroom. A lot of students, especially college students, rely on their phones. I do agree that it can be a distraction during teacher instruction, but I believe that disciplining yourself can help avoid you from getting distracted by social media notifications. “Additionally, I’m mostly persuaded by the research that suggests that pen and paper is superior to computers for note taking.” I do not entirely agree with this statement. Although pen and paper does in fact help you remember notes and information, it is much harder to keep it neat. When notes are written on a computer, it is much more efficient, timely, and easier.

In the second article by Travis Bradberry, Multitasking Damages Your Brain And Career, New Studies Suggest , he explains that multitasking can decrease productivity. “Multitasking reduces your efficiency and performance because your brain can only focus on one thing at a time. When you try to do two things at once, your brain lacks the capacity to perform both tasks successfully.” I can relate to this because people like myself who struggle with ADHD, I mentally and physically cannot be “all over the place” and given several directions at once. I like to complete tasks one step at a time, and this also helps me so that I do not skip any steps or make mistakes whether it is a job or a chore.

Overall, I disagree slightly with the author of the first article, but agree with Bradberry for the second article.


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