Technology: Helping or Hurting Writing


Technology and social media have affected the writing process in many ways. For example, multi-tasking is more common and although some believe it to be a good thing, studies like the one Travis Bradberry discusses in his article, show it is actually the opposite. Ether way, Technology has effect the writing process.

To me, technology was a game changer. When I was younger, I disliked writing. I had terrible penmanship, which led to my handwriting being hard to deduce. I would have to focus and slow down to make sure it was legible. But with access to the internet and programs like Word, those issues disappeared. It also made it easier to point out mistakes in spelling and grammar, the program does it for me. With the penmanship issue solved, I was able to write easily without issue. Especially in high school when I was given my own laptop issued by the school. I could write anywhere and the laptop records it and also keep a record of all my writings in a much easier collection rather than a bunch of loose pages. However, while this is all good and a plus there were also issues with this. I’ve always been easily distracted, usually the result of my Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Technology also has the ability to be used as a distraction and I did. While there were filters in High School to prevent certain sites from being unable to be accessed, I did find workarounds. Anything can be issued and thus it’s important to know your limits and understand what you should be used. For me, I tend to multi-task; and have some video playing on my phone while I write with my laptop. And while some studies discuss the issues with multi-tasking, I find I get more done while doing this.


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