Multitasking and Technology




Multitasking while doing school work is a bit distracting. If you are in class and the professor is lecturing while you are doing another assignment for another class you aren’t going to get any of that information. I mean sure you can do that in class but you can’t multitask on that you can’t do an assignment for another class and at the same time pay attention. It just doesn’t work that way you are either paying attention to your assignment or professor. Technology can be a big distraction in general whether you are at home trying to do your assignment or in class. I believe multitasking while trying to listen or do your work is not a good choice. You lose out on both because you are tying to concentrate on more than one thing. You won’t be able to do both at the same time and still gain the knowledge that you should be getting or do good on your assignment. I would agree that technology is a distraction and we need to learn to remove ourselves from it when it comes to that point. I don’t think you should ban technology especially in the college setting because everyone is an adult and if you don’t want to put your full attention on the class then that is on the student. In an elementary and high school setting I believe you can ban technology unless they need it or have free time. Whether you are trying to have a dinner conversation, in class, or doing your assignments we need to understand that if you don’t need to use your technology don’t use it. Only use it when it is needed or at an appropriate time.


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