Multimodal Composing and Document Design




The article, “Beyond Black on White: Document Design and Formatting in the Writing Classroom” by Michael J. Klein & Kristi L. Shackelford, speaks on the identification of the essential elements of document design. Some of these elements include text and type, images, and design elements. In the article, the author specifies that including these elements in your writing will improve your work as well as grab the reader’s attention. I can agree with this because when I was doing my blog post or when I would read other people’s blog posts, the images and the design elements that were established in the blog post were what grabbed my attention as a reader. Also, in my opinion, mastering document design is essential to improving a person’s writing process because the more you understand the elements the easier the writing process will be. I never knew how much of these characteristics can polish a piece and grasp more attention. 

In the article, “An Introduction to and Strategies for Multimodal Composing” Melanie Gagich, explains the techniques and provides advice on creating multimodal compositions. As I was reading this article, it got me thinking about the strategies I would use in my previous piece. What I realize though is that I’m not thinking about how I’m going to let the reader know to whom I am sending information. With this article, the main focus is to know the necessary knowledge. Furthermore, multimodal approaches are crucial to reaching the appropriate audience. As I mentioned earlier, the goal is for the reader to know who the information is directed to. It won’t matter if the piece is amazing if there is still a sort of confusion. The strategy should come first and then the technique that fits you.


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