Open computer sitting on table next to notepad, glass of water, and phone.

Document Design and Formatting



According to this article of Michael J. Klein and Kristi L. Shackelford writing a paper is more than simply generating content. Writing a paper is also knowing how to create a good appearance for the document which would influence the interpretation that the reader would give it. Graphics show concepts that authors cannot express with words. Sometimes a photograph makes a point more persuasive than words. Authors uses good document design to fully illustrate their meaning.

What we Should Know

There are multiple way to talk about design, for example white space, the use of alignment in a design, and the description of how textual elements “line up” on a page. Typeface is how the text looks, including the font family and type emphasis. The space between lines of text is called leading. It is typically the size of the font plus two points. Readability can be increased when increasing size of line spacing, or the amount of leading. The wide range of visual elements is often called images by designers such as photographs, line drawings, technical illustrations, and graphs. Because a color photo may evokes a more complete reaction it may have a more persuasive power than a black-and-white one.

Design Elements

Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity are four key
design elements that the integration gives a design power. Contrast is the visual differences in elements on a page. These
differences draw the reader’s attention to different areas of a page. Repetition is when the author uses consistency to visually group multiple items to express similar ideas or that are related. The placement of elements on a page is alignment. it creates a cleaner, more attractive design and emphasizes the consistency of information on a page. Proximity refers to the grouping of elements that have something in common.


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