Person sketching out ideas in front of a computer with their phone out in front of them as well.

Multimodality in our Writing

I enjoyed reading “An Introduction to and Strategies for Multimodal Composing” by Melanie Gagich because this was basically an article formed around everything I learned in ENG 2090. Adding multimodal elements brings a completely new perspective into your writing. Instead of writing for yourself or writing what you think sounds best, when thinking about multimodality, you begin to solely think about how others will view your text. We could articulate our thoughts in a completely different way just by thinking about how the audience may receive what point we are trying to get across. With that being said, my favorite mode of communication is definitely Linguistic mode. For my writing specifically, I have realized that sometimes what I type doesn’t always land how I want it to. So after shifting my perspective on making sure to target my audience I have had better success getting my point across. Another mode that ties into this could be spatial as well, just because of where and how you are placing things throughout your text. After doing many multimodal assignments, it has also helped me learn “digital literacy skills” as mentioned in the text. After working on these assignments and placing photos or other media throughout my work I learned to be a little more tech-savvy so that I could make everything look exactly how I wanted it.  

“Beyond Black on White: Document Design and Formatting in the Writing Classroom” by Michael J. Klein and Kristi L. Shackelford was also very informative because all throughout our elementary, middle, high school and even college years we are told to write things a certain way but never really told why. Yes it looks neat and put together but why? In this article I liked how they broke down the different design choices and why each of them had their own important meaning and gave us a good description rather than just “because.” 


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