Multimodal Strategies




In “An Introduction to and and Strategies for Multimodal Composing” by Melanie Gagich discusses the strategies and gives tips on how to develop multimodal compositions. Strategies and Techniques are ways that I find to help me develop a stye along side with examples. I say this because I can have all the strategies and techniques but if I don’t have essential knowledge it wont mean anything. That’s where having trial and error would be beneficial, to communicate towards and audience, and multimodal strategies are important to address the right group of people. I could write something that would be good but at the same time people can not grasp a full understanding. The audience would be reading but not know who I’m directing information to. Once you get to know the strategies it will all come together. After that you can add techniques to fit your writing style.

Gagich has offered guidance on how much to take control of the multiple modes of communications. Such as textual, visual, auditory etc but I do think there is a communication that you would be better than others. When you learn how well you communicate getting better would be from experience. I find myself to be a person who can communicate better through text because I gather my thoughts better. I also have more time to myself and put more effort to what I respond to or on what I decided to write about. Through visual, and auditory I could be decent using those but not as well as textualizing.

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