Stockholm & Anxiety





In all honesty, I think giving me creative license is a probably not a good idea. I don’t particularly enjoy having to think. As useless as MLA format might be it somewhat gives me peace of mind in knowing that it was set as the academic standard and standard for basic design, not because I like it or anything. There is a sense of safety in knowing that we are all on the same page in what is expected from writing. Of course if I were writing something for myself, MLA is not something I would pick because of how stressful it looks.

Correction, I used to think it looked stressful. I have become so accustomed to it now that I 100% prefer it in my academic writing. It’s like the writing version of Stockholm syndrome. Where the writer builds an attachment to the writing format as a necessity to continue writing. So in this regard I agree with Klein and Shackelford in that now I do not have to think to hard on how my document should look, which leaves more time to focus on everything else.


On the subject of me not liking this whole “thinking” concept. Multimodal projects are an absolute menace to my state of mind. I am not an overthinker, in fact I like to simplify my thoughts as often as possible. This is because I am a dramatic over stress-er. When I am left to my own thoughts for too long. I have imagined everything that can go wrong.

For me a Multimodal project is a challenge that forces me to think and outside of concerns I am used to worrying about when it comes to academic assignments. I don’t know where the beginning of the project is. Does one pick the primary source based off of the strategies that will be used, or do you pick the strategies of how you will present the source based of off the ways in which the source would make more sense when presented?


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