Document projected from computer being analyzed.

Document Design

Document design is something I focus greatly on before submitting any type of paper. Once I complete the literal part of my assignment, I go back and highlight the entire text ensuring that it is all the same font, size, and text color. I typically make sure that everything is written in black, times new roman, and font size twelve. Personally, the most important aspect of this is making sure the text is justified. This just means that the end of every line lines up on the page.

A lot of my peers do not incorporate the justified aspect into their document design and it honestly is something that frustrates me deeply. I feel as though when a paper is not in the justified formatting it looks extremely sloppy. I run into this problem when I have to complete group work in my classes because none of my classmates use this. I typically have to change the layout of the paper to ensure a professional document design.

Furthering the idea of document design, the placement of words in a paper is extremely vital to the success of the paper and idea being conveyed. For example, if a writer is using suspense as a strategy, they are not going to tell thee audience who the killer is in the first couple paragraphs, they are going to drag it out as far as possible to strengthen the suspense factor. Where a writer incorporates important aspects of a paper can potentially change the way the entire paper is portrayed.


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