Tag: Revision

  • Decisions and Revisions

    Berkenkotter believes that writing is much more intertwined than an end-goal and small decisions and revisions–almost like checkpoints.

  • an open laptop on google docs

    Importance of The Writing/Revision Process

    Not everyone believes that revising their papers is necessary. Berkenkotter’s study on professional writer Murray, suggests otherwise.

  • sleepy rat laying down on stable

    Why are Revisions important?

    Alot of things play into writing, in this reading they conduct an MRD research and see what plays into an individual writing such as setting.

  • https://unsplash.com/photos/white-flat-screen-computer-monitor-on-brown-wooden-table-QNVk2IIxfCU

    Lab Rats: Exhibit Murray

    Carol Berkenkotter does a naturalistic writing study on Donald M Murray, an accomplished writer. He’s able to reflect on his writing patterns.

  • A black typewriter with the word Review printed on a sheet of paper coming out of the top. This is an example of revision.

    Revision is a necessity.

    This is a look at why revision is an absolute necessity when writing. It goes over the benefits of revision and how revision is unique to each person.

  • Man writing out process and strategies

    Revision Processes 

    Discusses how each revision and writing process is completely different for each person throughout their own writing process when it comes to a piece.

  • Revising Yourself and Your Drafts

    Revising your drafts is a good idea and from this we learn how to grow and how to improve our writings as authors especially when looking at others.

  • glasses and crumbled paper on top of note pad.

    Revision and Planning

    This article discusses revision and planning within the writing process and how these methods may work for some writers but not all writers.