Tag: Professionalism

  • Don’t be mean

    Is Grammar That Deep?

    Yes grammar is very important. It is important that we know how and when to use it. Should we be denied jobs if we don‘t know how? I say no.

  • woman holding bright lights

    The Magic Is In You

    Writing comes from our minds and soul. Writing is the magic that exists in all of us. Writing resumes can be difficult in today’s society.

  • Professional Writers

    I thought the article “I won’t hire people who use poor grammar. Here’s why,” by Kyle Wiens was a very interesting read. The reason is that..

  • Writing In America

    On the facing the fact that I could end up jobless for my grammatical errors, and the concept of what America needs vs what it wants.

  • letters

    Learn Your Grammar 

    Good grammar gives us credibility, and it reflects the capacity we have because good grammar is learned, not memorized.