Tag: Grauman

  • Scrabble piecies forming the sentence “Choose your words."

    How To Apply Feedback To Your Writing

    Feedback helps us grow as writers and can be both positive and negative. This post will inform you how to interpret and apply it to your essays.

  • Two puffins arguing with each other.

    Feedback as a Friend

    Learn why people have a hard time using feedback to revise their papers, and the steps to move forward once you’ve received your feedback.

  • We Need Feedback

    Feedback shapes us. It’s the mirror reflecting growth and the compass guiding improvement. Embrace its insight for continuous advancement.

  • Graffiti of blue text that reads "Trust Your Struggle"

    The Problem With “Cinderella Papers”

    A brief discussion on the pitfalls of writing “fake first drafts”. Includes some advice from Jillian Grauman concerning how to handle feedback.