Tag: Format

  • variously colored doodles of document planning

    Format and Design

    Formatting and designing a document is much more important than most realize. Understand why we format the way we do and what it does for our piece.

  • a laptop open to a document with headphones laying on the keyboard

    Editing and Formatting

    Editing and formatting documents it’s actually quite more important than an individual think it is. It plays a huge role between the writer and audience.

  • The Design of Your Paper Matters

    Formatting your papers can be difficult, but knowing the style that your professor and the subject require could set you up for success.

  • person's hands covered in paint while holding a paint brush in one hand and a retractable pencil in the other

    A Machine Afraid to Dare

    “Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-spaced!”. We’ve heard this sequence of words many times in English classes. In a conditional sense,