Tag: Fluency

  • It is an image of a large group of people (silhouetted) who are cheering and enjoying their time together while the sun sets, and they can see the reflections of themselves through the water that reaches to their ankles.

    A Deeper Dive Into Discourse and Technology

    Discourse communities. What does it really mean? I’m going to give my thoughts on about this topic along with writing and technology.

  • discourses, interaction, group of friends talking

    Understanding Discourses

    In “Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics: Introduction” by James Paul Gee demonstrates how literacy is rooted in the different discourses we experience…

  • a little boy learning by using a computer

    Literacy Vs Fluency

    The article discusses the difference between acquiring Literacy vs Fluency as well as the importance of incorporating both into your everyday life.