Tag: English

  • The Beauty in Structure: Design in Document

    This essay talks about the designs in documents. The author talks about the discovery as seeing structure as beauty, analyzing different elements

  • The Art of the Witing Process

    This blog discusses Berkenkotter’s “Decisions and Revisions: The Planning Strategies of a Publishing Write”, that discusses Murray’s writing process.

  • https://unsplash.com/photos/woman-in-black-button-up-long-sleeve-shirt-SXlcgXH8HxM

    own your writing

    We shine a light on parts of the writing processes that Haruki Murakami feels are significant. Being yourself and owning your knowledge is very vital.

  • Scrabble piecies forming the sentence “Choose your words."

    Good Grammar= Good English?

    Kyle Wiens article on poor grammar and an opinion on Zachary Martins article on why African American English is good English.

  • image of broken pencil on desk.

    Grammar: How Important is it?

    Proper grammar is emphasized throughout our education careers, however, it may not be as valuable or important as we previously thought.

  • letters

    Learn Your Grammar 

    Good grammar gives us credibility, and it reflects the capacity we have because good grammar is learned, not memorized.