Tag: drafts

  • It's a photo of a notebook with a blank page and a pen on top of the page. Further implying the idea that's being discuss in this blog post.

    Drafts One, Two and Three!

    Drafts are always going to set the stage to what your writing will become. With work, they can always make you feel like an author

  • person with hands over face stressed and anxious

    Is my first Draft Bad?

    First drafts shouldn’t be considered bad but maybe a motivated step to guide us to the final draft. We shouldn’t think of it as bad.

  • An image of two cats, one with a thought bubble that says, "There there. You don't have to write a first draft."

    Shitty First Drafts?

    Examine two different ways to write a first draft from two authors with different perspectives. Is writing a shitty first draft the only way to go?

  • First Drafts

    When it comes to writing first drafts, it is okay to make mistakes. The first draft may be “shitty” but should never be thrown away.

  • image of dandelion in field

    Shitty First Drafts

    Writing a first draft is never going to be perfect, some may say it will be shitty, but is there a correct way to draft something?

  • Sh*tty Drafts

    Addressing my thoughts on Lamott’s Shitty First Drafts and offering alternative approaches to beginning writing that may help save time.

  • a man hands up on the floor with a notebook on his face

    Writing Stream of Consciousness

    Lamott suggests that in order to get that almost perfect rough draft, you must have a “shitty” one at first. George Dila opposes her concept.