This is a photo of someone with multiple illusions of themselves creaming at the top of their lungs.

It’s Difficult Nowadays to have Opportunities

Just by looking at the image above, it’s obvious that this reading made me a little frustrated due to by the one named Kyle Wiens. In his article “I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why”, he describes his personal opinions on people who aren’t very skilled in grammar or punctuation. Now look, it’s understandable to have a set of high standards for future employees, actually I agree with some of the things Wiens points out. The problem with the article is the way he expresses his ideas out, almost acting like an ass. It’s like you can picture him yelling the words out with anger or annoyance, he acts like a control freak pretty much. The only thing I would do if I were in his shoes would be to politely get people to understand that grammar and punctuation is something important when it comes to employment. But his attitude makes it seem like he’s setting a bar only for a handful of people to be able to get hired, therefore making the windows of opportunity slimmer for everyone else.

It’s not just job opportunities being less possible in the modern world, but there’s also less opportunities to express our ideas. Take Carmen Bugan’s “Being an immigrant writer in America today” for example. To shortly summarize the article, Bugan describes her gloomy past along with her journey of coming to the U.S. thinking that this new home will be welcoming. Unfortunately, in today’s society Bugan sees immigrants being treated unfairly and she ends making a call to action for all immigrant writers to fight for their expressions and ideas. The fact that people are now fighting for their freedom of speech (in a form of writing) just shows that the word ‘opportunity’ might just become empty promises in the future.


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