Image of a typewriter.

Immigrants writing in America

After reading “Being an immigrant writer in America today” the article is bringing awareness to the struggles of an immigrant writer’s journey. The author expressed the struggles of writing in their country where they were not allowed to have freedom of speech. Ordinary people were not allowed to print/ own a typewriter. Everyone was monitored by the police if you did own one. The author talks about how the immigrant writers  bring so much to the English language.  Many immigrant writers bring poems, songs and stories. The author believes that the English language is hurting from lack of empty slogans, materialism and it being reduced to buzzwords. The English language can benefit from the foreign/ immigrants that migrated here to America.  

After reading this article I have a few thoughts on it. Coming to a new country can be so hard for immigrants especially those who came from a place with no rights and freedom of speech. Writing is so important to the English language because you can express yourself and it allows you to tell a story. Your story. Carmen Bugan’s father spent 12 years in jail in Romania because he wrote anti- communist manifestos. The author took on writing in the English language because she felt as if her previous language was corrupted by the informers who destroyed her childhood. We see how the English language helps those immigrants who struggled with their freedom of speech getting taken from them. It’s amazing what the English language can teach us about writing and the differences of the grammar and skills between each language.


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