Sometimes it can be hard to find the right words for the right situation and that is okay.

Is Grammar That Important?




I’m compelled to say yes. Grammar is needed for comprehension to allow the reader to understand what has been written. The reason I say I’m compelled is because there are many ways of communicating through writing without proper grammar. That the reader is able to comprehend other forms of written work like poetry.

Don’t Be so Hard on Yourself

I think one of the most stressful things a writer can deal with is someone who critiques every single word. Within, Kyle Wiens, I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why, he relentlessly picks at every single thing. While I do understand from the perspective of a working environment how grammar correlates professionalism, I still feel there has to be a limit.

More specifically, leeway because not everyone is created equal, to be frank. One would have to factor in medical conditions that might get in the way of communicating both verbally and through written text. An example would be dating apps. I’m personally not a fan of these. Mostly because you are required to pitch yourself online to random strangers. Just like any job. Some apps have prompts where you have to choose wisely on what words to use that represent you.

That’s the weird thing. Dating apps and job applications require people to use words that have them look professional and desirable. A person uses words to represent themselves. Written text. The point I’m trying to get across is that outside of public affairs, people tend to shift their personalities and/or vocabulary when with family and friends. Completely normal but another way of looking at grammar and how we communicate with others. At the end of the day, I feel it’s okay to not stress about having the perfect grammar. Everyone messes up and we aren’t all perfect.


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