Making the best out of writing




In “Becoming Your Own Expert-Teachers as Writers” Tim Gillespie, speaks about how teachers should write to have a connection with their students as well as enhance their methods of instruction. Teachers must lead by example so that students can follow. As I was reading further into the article I agree with what Gillespie states. Students are more motivated to do the work if they find any useful purpose for it. This also tags along with the value. If students observe their teacher’s writing in their spare time, they will learn that writing is valuable and is also a fun activity that adults engage in. Another point that Gillespie mentions is students can see the teacher’s thought process and the struggles they may encounter when they are writing. If the students see this they will acknowledge that even teachers struggle at times when it comes to writing and it’s normal to struggle when it comes to writing. With this, it will create a form of comfort for them. As for teachers, they learn empathy among the students. They also become an effective teacher by understanding and formulating solutions to assist their students in overcoming these challenges.    

In “Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules For Writers” Lauren Passell, discusses twenty pieces of advice that can enhance the author’s writing. One of the pieces of advice that Passell mentions is avoiding adverbs in your writing. The reason behind avoiding adverbs is that they can get crowded and make the writing stiff. It also acts as an extra word that isn’t necessary in the text. I was surprised to see this on the list because many of my English teachers would recommend students to use adverbs so that the text can be more interesting. But according to Stephen King that is not the case. You don’t need adverbs or fancy words to make your writing shine. Another point that Passell mentions is “Don’t worry about making other people happy.” This has to be one of my favorite points Passell mentions because I believe that we analyze ourselves and focus on other people’s opinions rather than our own opinion. If we do what makes us happy and are happy with our writing we produce more flavor and effort into our writing. Our writing style will attract the right audience. 


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