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In T. Gillespie’s Becoming your own expert: Teachers as writers; I gathered that the author is expressing to the reader that sharing your thoughts and experiences can truly be beneficial to ourselves and our students. Even though, the administrator didn’t really care to mold and motivate writers-this process or notion is a great tool to self-reflect and assist educators in our never ending yet ever-changing world of words, vocabulary, and the action to compose.

Writing in a manner to not only prove knowledge to self, but to connect with students can support them in their writing journey as they draft, scribble, and slay over the years.

I believe that ‘Becoming your own expert’ in writing is essential to educators because how can you teach little (or big) ones how to write if you’re not consistently perfecting your craft…whether you’re an ELA or Social Studies teacher; writing is important. Period. To teach it; one must tighten their writing. As Gillespie stated “when we write, we give ourselves a chance to test our own writing and if we can be better writers; we can cultivate better writers. I lightly tapped into Lauren Passell’s article on Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules for Writers and noticed that the articles are pretty much expressing the same notion of being relentlessly dedicated to your craft of: writing.

From ‘The magic is in you’ to the Read, Read, Read & ‘Stick to your own style’ pointers or rules correlates pretty closely with Gillespie’s article and reminds us that, in order to become better writers; we have to consistently and constantly hone in on how to do this. Refining and Reviewing are great ways to perfect our processes of writing, which can help others from start to finish whether in middle school, college, or careers.


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