Lady Justice holding The Scales of Justice

Rules for Writers




When it comes to writing, there are an infinite number of ways to go about it. Whether it be choosing what to write about, finding the right environment to write in, or figuring out all of the small details that will be involved, writing is complicated. Because of this, having a strategy can make writing a lot easier. Each writer will have a different strategy, even if they appear to be different at first glance, but it is important to discover what strategy works best for each individual person. In order to do this, the writing process must be evaluated and different techniques must be tried. One resource that may be useful during this process would be “Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules For Writers” which highlights what he finds to be most helpful during the writing process. 

As I read through King’s rules, it is clear that not all of these rules apply to every writer, as many do not apply to myself. However, something from each rule can be applied to every individual’s writing process. The key concepts that I took away from these rules were to be educated on the topic being written and be confident. If a writer is well versed in the area they are writing about, there is no reason that they should not feel confident in their ability to write well. In addition to this, confidence reflects in writing. If an individual lacks confidence, their writing will lack credibility. Authority is something that I addressed in one of my previous blog posts titled “Writing Without Authority.” The concepts discussed in this post go hand in hand with the article “Becoming Your Own Expert – Teachers as Writers” by Tim Gillespie. In this piece, Gillespie analyzes the importance of writing in order to teach writing. While this may sound obvious, apparently this is not so clear to some individuals. Gillespie addresses the idea that in order to teach writing, an individual must care about writing. As a future educator, it is my understanding that in order for students to actually learn in a classroom, the teacher must care. Not only does the teacher have to care about the wellbeing of their students in general, but they also must care about the topics they are teaching. Children feed off of energy. Although a teacher may feel as though they are doing a good job at hiding that they don’t care, their students are able to tell, and this greatly impacts the way they learn. 

To be a teacher without writing is impossible. To think that only the students must learn how to write is idiotic. Individual’s expand their writing on a daily basis. Even the best of the best can still improve. To improve, a writer must continue learning and oftentimes that learning is done in a classroom, and sometimes the learner is the teacher.


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