Building Bonds Over Writing



From Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules For Writers, there are many points made that I agree with. Some main points I agree with is that you must write for yourself first then the audience. You write from your own experiences and your own opinion on things then shape that towards your audience. This is usually the first step I think about when writing as I try to take my own experiences and put them first before anything. 

I also agree with number six which is to read. Reading is the baseline of what shapes you into becoming a better writer. It gives you the foundation and emerges you into a world of new vocabulary. I can definitely agree with the elimination distractions rule as well, it helps you keep your focus and stay on track to the end goal. 

In Becoming Your Own Expert-Teachers as Writers, Gillespie makes many valid points as well. He explains that writing can help teachers connect with their students. I found this point very interesting because I always thought of it as something that teachers needed to teach; however, I now see how writing can make a connection between the teacher and students. They are able to share personal experiences, thoughts, and opinions which is where they can form a level of understanding with the student.

 I also agree with Gillespies point that when teachers write, we become partners in a community of writers. Community is definitely a huge part in the world of writing and specifically for teachers I feel that it is very relatable. It’s basically our own discourse community and we all share similar experiences each day. Collaborating, especially in the education and writing fields are what gives a big sense of community. 


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