woman holding bright lights

The Magic Is In You

The article “Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules For Writers,” by Lauren Passell, emphasizes twenty points to incorporate into our writing. All twenty rules are extremely helpful because they are tips to make our writing process much easier. What I liked about this article is that these twenty rules are not your typical formal writing rules. The rules are informal but, at the same time, pretty accurate.  What these rules have in common is that in some way, they all encourage writers to be themselves and that writing will never be perfect. The rule that resonated most with me was “The magic is in you.” I have always struggled in my writing because I aim to be subjective and follow the professors’ criteria word for word. Sometimes I want to involve my voice more, but I’m afraid of not following the rules. This rule, “The magic is in you,” proves that what makes good/enjoyable writing is the writer, not the research, the resources, or meeting rubrics. What makes good writing is the magic that is within each one of us because we create something out of nothing. Writing comes from our brains, soul, and experiences. Our writing is who we are. As the author infers, before trying to make our writing perfect according to grammatical rules. Let’s  remember that “Dumbo didn’t need the feather; the magic was in him.”

Writing a resume is quite hard

After reading the article, “Writing the Conventional Resume,” by Joe Schall, I couldn’t help but remember when I wrote my first resume in high school. It was a tough challenge because, in a way, it’s writing who you are. You have to list your skills, education, work experience, if you have received any awards and additional information. You have the pressure of knowing that a company will base its judgment on this mere piece of paper. So, yes, writing a resume is quite difficult because of the pressure of knowing it has to look professional, whether you have what the company is looking for or the rivalry between other applicants as well. However, Schall’s article provides clear step-by-step instructions on how to write a resume which I wished I had done in high school because it would have simplified my life.


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