Resumes and Cover Letters In Relation to Employment




I remember when I applied for my current job. I sent in my resume to management, then later that month I went in for an in person interview. This helped show me directly how important resumes are to helping show employers your skills and experiences. However, the time has come for me to update my resume as I haven’t done so in over a year, and that reflects a version of me that was just seeking part time employment in high school. Resumes and cover letters are important as they show your employers what your past experiences are in a field, where you’ve gained education in, and if you are a good fit for the position.

According to Writing Common’s “Writing the Conventional Resume”, your resume should accomplish several tasks. It should state your skills and experiences, that which make you eligible and worthy of the position you are seeking. Also helpful to list are possible awards or certificates you relieved in your field. For example, a programmer should list that they earned a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, but listing cooking achievements may not be necessary. For cover letters, Purdue University’s article helped provide me with information that will help me write one properly. A cover letter explains why you want the job and why you are a good fit for it. It should help back the skills you are stating in your resume by showing how you are skilled.

When it comes to resumes and cover letters for writing, you should understand the audience you are writing for, and go from there. You need to know who you are writing for you to understand what language and style you are using. Once you are finished, revise your work, but don’t rush to finish. Work at your own pace and write when you want to without forcing it out.


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