Rules for Aspiring Writers



Stephen King’s list of top 20 rules for writers gave some great insight. First thing I noticed when reading the list was how the bolded subtitles followed from the previous rule and transitioned into the next one. I like how the list ended off with a question, “which of these rules do you like best?” The first one that stood out to me was, rule number one, to first write for yourself and then worry about the audience. I think oftentimes we get so caught up in the audience that we are trying to please rather than just writing out the story. That’s also why revisions exist, we can write out the story as if we’re telling it and then go back and make edits to it. Another one that stood out was rule number thirteen, eliminate distractions. This stood out a lot because we recently studied our writing processes and I noticed within mine how easily I can get distracted. This rule emphasizes no cellphone, no tv, no video games, not even a window to look out of to get distracted by. 

Rule number seven states “read, read, read.” I think it’s interesting to see one of the rules emphasize the importance of reading to help refining and redefining one’s writing. Then after reading Doris Lessing’s “On not winning the nobel prize”, it was pointed out how reading was lacking. A Lot of the boys had never read at all and the library was only half used. Due to that, young men and women lack knowledge on general education however have specialties in computers, the internet, and tv. Which also ties back to removing all distractions, because of the revolution of print, it impacted the younger generation in ways that can affect their writing. 


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