Do you have to follow a strategy to be a good writer?



In reading “Decisions and Revisions: The Strategies of a Publishing Writer” by Carol Berkenkotter and “Response of a Laboratory Rat- or Being Protocoled”, by Donald Murray, I can see that published writers usually have a specific way that they use to get their work done. Carol said that as she studied Mr. Murray, he found it harder to make her one hour protocol. He was so used to either using his voice recorder all day and making numerous notes in his day book. She took him out of his comfort zone. It was hard for him to write at his best. In Donald Murray’s piece he even says that the one hour protocol made him feel inadequate and trapped.

In reading both articles, I decided to look back on the protocols or strategies that I use. When I have something to write for school, I usually wait till about a day or two before the assignment is due to begin. Some might call this procrastination, but I don’t. I believe that I get my best work done when I know the deadline is near. I also cannot write in a quiet room. Writing in a quiet room, makes me feel like the walls are closing in on me. I can’t do any homework in a quiet room. I have to either have music playing or the TV on.

It was sure interesting to read about the idea that taking a writer out of their comfort zone can deter the way they write. It goes to show that we work best where we are most comfortable.


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