Revision Process




In the “Decisions and Revision: The Planning Strategies of a Publishing Writer” article, Carol Berkenkotter speaks on the writing process which she defines as something that can develop over time and grow into something better. Berkenkotter also did research regarding the writing process of Donald Murray. Murray in this study was an experienced writer and had a strategy when it came to writing. For instance, Murray would imagine things and write down his ideas out loud. But, while Berkenkotter was digging deeper into Murray’s study she found out that no research has been done on observing someone write in a natural environment. 

As I was reading further into the Berkenkotter article I came to the conclusion that everyone has a different strategy when it comes to the revision process. For example, as I mentioned earlier Murray would verbally speak out his thoughts because it helps him revise his papers. I can make the same connection as well because when I am revising my paper I search for the errors that I may have on my paper but I also read out loud to make sure the sentence flows smoothly. But, for other people it may be different, their revision process can be reading what they wrote in their head or coming up with solutions and determining what must be done and when.

In conclusion, Donald M. Murray was shocked to see his results because it stated how much time it took him to write his paper. I found comfort in reading this because it reminds me that everyone is not an excerpt in writing and the revision process can be a hassle sometimes. For instance, making sure the grammar makes sense or if the paper is understandable to the point where the readers can understand it. There are a lot of thoughts that come to mind during the revision process which can cause people to take a while to finish their paper. But, thanks to the revision process he found out more about himself when it comes to writing. If we take the time to do our revision process we will be able to find out more about ourselves and what works best when we are writing.


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