Man writing out process and strategies

Revision Processes 



Writing is a process that everyone completes differently with their own strategy and style. Carol Berkencotter explains that the writing process is something that has room to become something greater and can evolve over time. She for example did research on Donald Murray who was an experienced writer. She essentially viewed his revision process and she came to the conclusion that there was no study done for watching someone write in a natural setting. 

While she was looking at Murray through research, she saw that he had particular ways of doing things while writing. He would read aloud to himself, make lists to get a point across in his writing, he would also look and refer back to his readers comments to revise drafts. These examples go together to show that through the revision process everyone has a different way of going about things. Not everyone will do the same thing as Murray but this specifically works for him in his own way. 

When Murray was reflecting on his results he was surprised by a few things and also agreed with a few things. When writing my study on myself I have a feeling that I will feel the same thing. He was shocked by the amount of time it took him to complete his pieces. It made him worried about the patterns that the research revealed about his long term memory. Overall he was able to discover a lot about himself when it comes to writing and the revision process which is what I hope to do when I conduct my own research. 


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