Lab Rats: Exhibit Murray



In the journal article, “Decisions and Revisions: The Planning Strategies of a Publishing Writer“, Carol Berkenkotter explains the writing process as something that can evolve. With practice Berkenkotter explains it can transform into something better that fits the writers writing strategy. In this case she decided to study the writing process of Donald M. Murray. Donald M. Murray is an accomplished and much experienced writer. Murray is an acclaimed Pulitzer Prize winning journalist; who better to do a naturalistic writing study on.

Berkenkotter argued that previous studies were not natural. This is because in the past studies done to study writing processes, writing were under constraints, thus not allowing the writer to feel the natural freedom. She brought this to Murray’s attention and he became invested in this new study setting allowing him to be in his own comfort with no limitations. From this she was able to get the best and most natural results.

From this Berkerkotter as well as anyone reading learns that everyone has a unique writing process catered to everyone’s writing. Donald M. Murray would speak aloud his thoughts and then jot them down. This proved to be very effective for him but also took a lot of his time, more ever, making him shocked at his results. Myself on the other hand is the complete opposite. I never speak aloud about anything from my writing. I’ve been told teachers to speak aloud my thoughts when writing but that was never an effective style for myself. My thoughts flow smoothly in my head and my heads do the rest. In all honesty this article proved what I already know but the information was still interesting on how it unfolded.

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