Importance of Revision



The recent reading by Carol Berkencotter that I read provided me with a wealth of insights into how to format my paper and hone my writing style. The reading discussed the MRD model used by Berkencotter to format articles, where M refers to the methods used to conduct research, R stands for research and D for discussion. I decided to conduct my research on the different writing styles between home and school environments. To gather data, I recorded myself while writing to see if I could avoid writer’s block and procrastination. During the research phase, I evaluated myself and discovered some interesting observations. One of them was that I tend to check my phone frequently while writing. I also learned that my writing style differs between home and school environments. At home, I am more frequently distracted by my family, particularly my little sister, who often wants to play with me. I do not like saying no, so I tend to pause my work, and before I know it, the day has passed, and I have accomplished nothing.

However, in a school environment, I have a more focused mindset, which helps me complete my work more efficiently. The final phase of the MRD model is the discussion stage. Here, one can analyze and interpret the data collected. Berkencotter emphasizes the importance of making each stage of the MRD model visible in writing, which I am trying to implement in my own writing. Overall, this week’s reading  has been a great resource for me, and the MRD model has provided me with a useful framework to structure my writing. By applying the methods, research, and discussion aspects of the model, I can better understand my writing process and improve my writing style.


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