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Writing is a creative process where each person has a unique way of structuring their thoughts. Although we may be given a structure to follow, we usually tend to approach it in our way. It’s not uncommon for us to not even look at the structure until the very end of the writing process. When I write I begin with a first draft where I jot down my initial thoughts. This helps me to get my ideas down on paper. In the second draft, I cut and paraphrased my work, and started to revise it. This is where I refine my ideas, add more details, and ensure that my writing is clear and concise.

In her article “Decisions and Revisions: The Strategies that Writer,” Carol Berkenkotter proposes the writing process and the tactics. Berkenkotter observes that planning and editing are fundamental to most writers, serving as primary objectives for both the writer and their work. Additionally, she highlights two critical planning activities, the “process goal” and “writing plan,” which are essential for a writer. Overall, the article underscores the vital role that planning, editing, and revising play in helping a writer achieve success in their craft.

Donald Murray’s article, states the process of writing and the control exerted over writers by academic institutions. Murray argues that the structured writing protocols enforced by higher education systems can stifle creativity and discourage writers from producing their best work. He suggests that writers must be given the freedom to write in their own way and that writing instruction should focus on the individual writer’s needs rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. Murray’s article serves as a reminder that writing is a personal process and that writers should be allowed to develop their approach to achieving their goals.


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