Revision Process



Carol Berkenkotter took the approach of the thinking out loud method in which you can say anything that comes to mind in the process of writing. Personally if I knew I was being recorded I’d feel more pressured or cautious of what I may say. However if I’m unaware of being recorded while in the middle of my writing process then it would be more authentic. While reading  Berkenkotter’s article I came to the realization that sometimes I also tend to think out loud when writing. It’s not as consistent but here and there I may speak out loud what I’m thinking as I write or what I plan to do pertaining to the writing, even if it’s something random. 

According to Berkenkotter writer’s revision process, I can agree that it does consist of a lot of back and forth between planning, editing, reviewing. I rarely do drafts because I tend to revise and edit as I write. Sometimes I may write out a few sentences or a paragraph and then reread and review it to see if any changes should be made. I work as I write. 

I gained more insight on the importance of studying one’s writing process. I think recording yourself while writing is a great way to capture and pick up on things we may do as we write and may not even be aware about. The different settings we write in, topics, phone usage, whether we’re well rested, or on an empty stomach all affect our writing process. It’s crazy to think about how so much can have an impact on the way we write.


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