The Writing Process




No one has ever really thought about their writing process. Unless they are doing a study, but other than that people don’t really think about it. At least I never did. It is beneficial to know how you write that way you can see what works for you and what doesn’t also that way you know where to improve and how. The readings were interesting. You were able to see how Berkenkotter did her study and how Murray responded to her study. It was interested to see how other people write and what it takes for them to start writing. People actually study the writing process, which is interesting because not everyone they study will be the same. The writing process is not direct not everyone will feel the same way if a writer states it is one way. You don’t really think about this but it is very helpful. This way you learn from what improves your writing and what prevents you from starting. You can also learn things if yo think about your writing process just like Murray. You can also start to try new things to see what helps or to see if it works. Everyone’s writing process is different what may work for you won’t work for someone else. This is why it is important to study how you get to your writing especially if you struggle with writing. This way you can try different things you may not have thought of and it may help you.


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