A sun at high noon is setting over a garden of yellow flowers.

A New Approach to Writing




Knowing what I know now about writing and thinking back to how I was taught, I am upset. My writing could have possibly been great if I wasn’t put in a box of unnecessary rules and conventions. I missed my chance, but there is still time for new generations. If teachers need help on how to teach little kids how to write properly, they should look to “Ten Ways to Think about Writing: Metaphoric Musings for College Writing Students” by E. Shelly Reid. Her article is catered to bigger kids, however I am sure that if teachers were required to teach writing in this way, the results would be great. Even so, for today, I am one of the few that gets to break out of the writing box with her ten rules to writing. I found her rules very helpful, even though as a student that already has experience in writing, I already kind of knew most of the rules. But, I definitely learned some new things as well.

Reid first discusses how there are too many writing standards to uphold. Instead, she gives readers three simple rules to follow; I really appreciate how she breaks it down. I mean in reality, writing should be a simple matter. Reid writes about proofing any writing with evidence. This is definitely important because no matter what the writing is about, proof of understanding or evidence of what is being talked about needs to be present. She also geos into the process of being descriptive in writing. I liked this one a lot because I was also picturing the ball, I could see and explain the ball very clearly. Reid explains the need to write for an audience. This may be the most important thing, if a writer knows the audience it makes the writing process a whole lot easier. She then mentions repetition and how compared to commercials on TV, writers should repeat their point throughout their writing. I just have to say ‘Thank you’ because she raises a good point and it is not said enough. I also love how she writes about timed essays, considering that I am one of those people that panic when timed writing is assigned. Reid walks readers through the process of staying calm and writing on.


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