A woman sitting in front of a laptop with her head in her hands.

The Writing Process




Writing is not an easy thing to do. According to the writer and writing professor E. Shelley Reid writing become harder when we have to follow too many rules for writing. Writing become more like a chore than a living process that moves the world forward and connects people when we are write to the rule. By cutting the thousand rules of writing down to three broader principles we can negotiated process of writing for real people.

The Three broader principles

The first principle is to write about what we know, what interests us and what excites us. The second is not only to say but to show what we write about. The last one is that we need to Adapt to the audience and purpose that we are writing for it. Writing like this, is writing rhetorically. That way rather than paying attention to the rules in a textbook or the needs of the teacher, we pay attention to the needs of the reader and to the needs of the author. When we write about what we know and can, we show that it is not enough to say to adapt to the needs of your audience and accomplish your goals. For our audience can spot your expertise or passion right from the start we need to make clear points early. To make easy for our audience to get what we mean we need to write multi-sentence paragraphs in which key ideas in enough detail are shown. To show how well we thought
our ideas and that they are related to each other, we must correctly use a semicolon. Because the some of the principles in college are the hardest writing will still be hard, but those strategies can help make it easier.


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