A person is writing on a piece of paper. They are surrounded by many different papers and they have a cup of coffee on the desk.

Different Ways of Writing

 E. Shelley Reid discusses ten different ways to think about writing. I never thought of writing to be like a garden, game, or craft. Usually I think of writing as adding to the conversation or a journey you take or take the reader on. However  E. Shelley Reid introduced me to new ways I have never heard of. Like how writing can be a building or a mirror. I heard of art being a reflection of the self, but I never put it together that writing is the same thing. Your voice when writing is based on your ideas. How you start a paper, transition your thoughts, the thoughts you decide to put down on the page, how you wrap the paper up, it is all how you would do it. How you do it can have foundations from the schools you have been to, where you grew up, the teachers you had, and so on. Speaking of foundations, I never realized how much foundation writing needs. It is very obvious that for math, you need to know adding and subtracting before you learn more complicated stuff. Never considered how many building blocks writing had. Yes I knew about taking the alphabet and making words from that. So much goes into writing without realizing. Like how to structure a sentence. You don’t really think about it till you read a sentence that just does “sound correct”. I don’t look at my sentences and figure out what is a verb, noun, or so on. I just write without realizing all the blocks that need to be there. What I am trying to say is, that it is easy to not realize how many little aspects of writing are needed to make sense. For example, without commas or periods all of this wouldn’t make much sense. If a building didn’t have door knobs, it’s something that is little but it makes a huge difference. Every aspect needs to add up in order to make the writing a decent piece of writing, just like making a building a good enough building so it doesn’t fall or something. It was very interesting to learn about the many different ways people think of writing.


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