Tro different hands are reaching for each other. One hand at the top, and another at the bottom. It seems as though the bottom hand needs guidance.

Is writing hard?



To this day, I love when I get assigned a writing assignment that I can write in my style. Not only does it feel flexible and relaxing, but it doesn’t feel difficult to write because there are no rules to follow. Having the thought of “Am I following the rules of writing” can bug me, and my ideas make it harder. In the article “Ten Ways to think about Writing: metaphoric musings for College Writing Students,” Shelly Reid summarizes the whole idea of how individuals make writing harder than it has to be by following too many rules.

One that stood out to me was the pronoun “I”. I was always told by teachers and professors that the pronoun “I” was the number one thing to avoid. Anytime I write a paper, having to write without the “I” can change and affect the way my sentences come out or even my paper in general. Using it appropriately and occasionally is okay. Shelly mentioned the basic rules of writing, and I believe we were all taught at one point that these were the rules we had to follow to write a good paper.

Writing a paper can feel like a mandatory task that can cause writer’s block because an individual may not find interest or isn’t aware of where to start. In my overall opinion about writing rules, I believe they shouldn’t be too mandatory like it shouldn’t feel strict to write; it should feel fun to write out your thoughts and ideas.


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