Cater to your audience and you'll have all the seats filled wanting more of your work.

Your Writing Has an Audience




Writing is difficult. No matter what someone writes about, they are writing to an audience. That could be for a blog of dedicated listeners, a book for a specific type of fan, a screenplay for executives to read over, or even for oneself to look back at in the future. Whatever someone writes, it absolutely has an audience in mind.

After reading E. Shelley Reid’s Ten Ways To Think About Writing: Metaphoric Musings for College Writing Students, she made guidelines for writing in three easily digestible rules. Essentially, they break down to writing about what you know, show more while telling less, and adapting to your audience. Relating back to my last post, I talked about how your identity is important and it’s how you figure out your style and audience.

Importance of your Audience

As previously stated before, you are always writing for an audience. That can be consciously or subconsciously. For example, whenever I write a screenplay, I actually create two separate scripts. One script is for pitching to a contest or studio and the other is letting out as much creativity as I can. When pitching a script, your audience are studios that look for a new movie.

Writing a story within limitations and budget allows a desirable script than one that would realistically require so much special effects. That is why I write another version strictly for me. It allows me to push my boundaries and ideas to not hold back on whatever I desire to happen in that story. The take away is writing to your audience. As long as you’re honest with yourself and to them, the writing is get less difficult.


One response to “Your Writing Has an Audience”

  1. […] Transformers to talk about the importance of designing a paper. Sue me. A few blog posts ago, I mentioned about how everything you write has an audience. Audience is still important but what if I told you […]

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