An image of a grass maze with white borders from above

Musings for Writers




I’ll be honest: I, originally, disliked writing. I liked to create stories and characters, but those were either in my head or via drawing. Then I accepted that I could not draw and computers made it easier to write which led to my now love of said topic. Granted, those tend to be more fiction or fantasy-based, but I don’t mind other types of writing either. However, the leads to a good chunk of these metaphors don’t apply to a good chunk of my works but are still helpful.

Writing has many rules, but I don’t tend to follow them. Most of the examples are for written papers, but for more relaxed writing, such as for dialogue, it isn’t that much of an issue. As for showing and not telling, that I do since I want the reader to imagine the environment as I do. This goes hand in hand with ‘the little green ball’ as everything should be described. Audience isn’t necessarily a concern most of the time as I write for myself. Same with keeping a reader with me. The reader in this case is myself. As for balancing arguments and examples, it’s mostly for college writing, but something I consider in any argument as examples is essential for proving a point but by itself doesn’t explain the argument. No matter the writing, it’s good to go over it and edit and fix parts. As for annotation, it’s not something I tend to do in my writing, but I do it for others. Mostly jotting down parts I think would be helpful for my writing. Although I should do it more personally, it’s good to start before it’s due rather than cram it because I do better under pressure. And finally, if you don’t know where to start, try rules or rhetoric. Ether shall work.


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