How Jell-o can Help your Writing




You may be asking, “What does jell-o have to do with writing?”, well I was wondering the same thing before I read this section by E. Shelley Reid. It is not really about the jell-o, but about the balance. All the aspects, such as theories, evidence or arguments of writing can work as the ingredients to a jell-o salad. The small details, or ingredients, can easily change the flow of your writing. This specific metaphor makes the most sense to me because I myself, have baked and cooked many things. Having this experience is crucial to me in order to fully understand this metaphor. Understanding the time and effort it takes to make jell-o salad is very similar to the time an effort one needs to achieve a scholarly writing.

Using the right recipes, or in this case writing aspects, can heavily affect the outcome of your writing. Using different writing techniques for different writing styles is very similar to using different ingredients for your jell-o salad. When you use specific ingredients in jell-o salad, you many different flavors the salad can be, when you use different writing aspects in your writing, the writing turns out very different. Too much of a certain ingredient can ruin your jell-o salad, that is why balance is so important The right amount of certain aspects in your writing to ensure your writing is the best it could be is extremely important. I also enjoyed this metaphor because It made the most sense to me, and I enjoy jell-o a lot.


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