Writing is not hard as you think




Lets all admit but writing can be really challenging sometimes. we often think that writing has so much rules and regulations and it makes it harder to think what to write on our paper. what stood out the most reading the article is when Shelly said “What we write to the rules, writing seems more like a chore than a living process that connects people and moves the world forward”. I can relate to that statement because I feel like my paper should be perfect with not error and it hurts my head more thinking how to write a perfect paper.

The Three Principles

The three principles she mentioned that stood out to me instead of a thousands rules: 1). Write about what you know about, are curious about, are passionate about. (Or what you can find a way to be curious about or interested in. 2). Show, Dont just tell. 3) Adapt to the audience and purpose you’re writing for. we should pay more attention connecting with the author and reader instead of the rules for a great perfect paper. showing rather than telling is easier for the audience to understand who you are and the paper clearly. the audience shouldn’t have to question or be confused reading your paper, your paper should sound real and not just a bunch of click list. its good to engaged in writing, writing what you know because we all have different thoughts about things around us can make the audience be able to see better.

Overall, Before reading Shelly article, my perspective about writing was that writing is one of the hardest task I ever did in school beside math and my paper have to be perfect at all times. after reading her article, I realized I was all wrong for so long. I was basically pleasing my teachers more than the audience and there’s no such thing of perfect writing. write what you know, engage with the reader therefore, they can connect with your paper, not think too much of the rules to please your teacher and etc.


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