A door in the middle of nowhere.

Metaphoric Musings



I agreed from the beginning of E. Shelley Reid’s article on how writing is hard. I for one agree that it’s made harder with more rules because it causes overthinking about covering the rules rather than the writing itself. According to Reid, there are three principles we should use when writing. They are, write about what you are curious about, know, or passionate about. Show rather than just telling. Lastly, adapt to the audience and purpose you’re writing for. Following these will allow room for realness in writing pieces rather than just rules. 

Providing specific details to show what you mean in your writing is critical. It allows the reader to envision and gain a better understanding of what the reader is talking about. Without it, that leads to confusion and you lose the reader’s attention. The more information being given the better it is to visualize a picture to go with the reading. 

I like how the article pointed out the struggle of writing under time pressure. I feel as though the majority of us college students can relate to this. We battle trying to follow the rules stated as well as trying to complete it within a certain time span of a week, all while trying to keep it as real as possible. It’s easier said than done and this reading was informative on ways to help us college students with writing assignments. I for one tend to overthink assignments alot but this was reassurance that sometimes we make things harder than they really are. 


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