Different Ways to Think About When Writing




There are so many rules in writing that you get taught in grade school that get stuck in your head. When you start to write that is all you think about and can’t get out of that cycle. Reid gives a good example of the rules everyone has heard and how it becomes a chore. No wonder sometimes we get stuck on our writing that we don’t even know where to begin or how to finish. The three principles she mentions make sense and it is easier to work with. One can relate with these principles. Reids metaphors are helpful because they are easier to remember and you don’t get stuck on the rules of writing. You feel more free to write and actually know how. She relates it to other things not just writing which make it interesting as well. Writing is hard and it just gets harder especially if you get stuck with that mentality of following the rules in writing. Yes, you have to follow them but you also need to know how to break them. If you just write and don’t follow any of the rules or concepts then your writing will suck. The article has a lot of useful information that was helpful when it comes to writing and how to write, what to do and not do. If we have the proper tools and knowledge writing should be easier, but sometimes it is not. It is easier to write about things you know about, are passionate about, or even things you want to learn about.


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