First Drafts




In “Shitty First Drafts by Anne Lamott (1995)” Lamott would go talk about how the process of the first draft shouldn’t be perfect. When writing poorly is when one could write best. Because you lack structure, let the brain flow and pump out ideas. Lamott would go about silencing her inner critic and judgment to let herself be at peace to have the thoughts come out. Writing is something you can be accessible with, and the starting point should be fun because no one is in control.

Lamott talks about relatable perspectives. She would go on about what most writers would often face, as in most writers trying to make their draft as perfect as possible but not—people who focus on putting a format on their writing could experience problems. Every writer can face writer’s block and trying to follow a format can be a cause.

I agree with Lamott about how a first draft should be. For me, thinking of structure doesn’t come to mind when it comes to writing. I want my writing to be perfect on the first draft, but I know it won’t. I’ve always heard to get my writing down first or have a layout. Having some form of preparation does help, but to get the ideas down is important. After having everything down, you can then go forward and work on the revisions to improve the writing. Also, work on seeing what you can keep or take out. After you have everything and made the necessary changes you are close to having your writing perfect.



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